Saturday, August 8, 2020

fm abhaya font download

This is fm abhaya font download blog site

Fm abhaya font is developed by Mr.Pushpananda Ekanayaka 

This font is mostly using to write from computer. Font is compatable with Wijesekara sinhala keyboard layout. Mr. Pushpananda Ekanayaka has designed Sinhala letters in various forms since he was a child. The first Sinhala font designed by Ekanayaka is Marici. In 1998, Ekanayaka released 10 fonts he developed, but none of them included text typeface fonts. As a result of the need for text fonts, Ekanayake designed the very popular Sinhala ASCII font FM Abhaya. Then we had to design and develop different styles of Sinhala fonts intended for different purposes. As a result, he designed and developed 12 Sinhala fonts of various designs.

fm abhaya font preview
This is preview of fm abhaya sinhala font

To install to your computer, This are the simple steps.

01.Download fm abhaya sinhala font from fm abhaya font download. fm file
03.Click install button
04.Now you can use the fm abhaya sinhala font.

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